
Use this collection of interface elements to repurpose and help build applications. The purpose is to work as efficiently as possible to allow you to focus on solving challenges. If there is a component you need and isn’t listed, please submit your request to Web. The ticket will be reviewed for design/implementation.


Celled Table

A standard celled table.


Name Age Job
James 24 Engineer
Jill 26 Engineer
Elyse 24 Designer

Code Example

Name Age Job
James 24 Engineer
Jill 26 Engineer
Elyse 24 Designer

Non Celled

A table may allow a user to sort contents by clicking on a table header.


Name Age Job
James 24 Engineer
Jill 26 Engineer
Elyse 24 Designer

Code Example

Name Age Job
James 24 Engineer
Jill 26 Engineer
Elyse 24 Designer


A table may allow a user to sort contents by clicking on a table header.


Extra Steps:

To make sortable tables work, add the "sortable" class, and include this javascript into your page and call $('table').tablesort() when the DOM is ready.

Name Age Job
James 24 Engineer
Jill 26 Engineer
Elyse 24 Designer

Code Example

Name Age Job
James 24 Engineer
Jill 26 Engineer
Elyse 24 Designer


A table can stripe alternate rows of content with a darker color to increase contrast.


Name Age Job
James 24 Engineer
Jill 26 Engineer
Elyse 24 Designer

Code Example

Name Age Job
James 24 Engineer
Jill 26 Engineer
Elyse 24 Designer

Pagination / Limitation / Search

Symantic tables can integrate with DataTables - a free jQuery plug-in that allows pagnination, limitation of showing rows, and search.

Extra Steps:

To use these features you must include this js file for DataTabels. You must also call $('#example').DataTable(); when the DOM is ready. Also, make sure to change all the references to your ID in the DataTables javascript to match your ID of the table.

Name Age Job
James 24 Engineer
Jill 26 Engineer
Elyse 24 Designer
James 24 Engineer
Jill 26 Engineer
Elyse 24 Designer
James 24 Engineer
Jill 26 Engineer
Elyse 24 Designer
James 24 Engineer
Jill 26 Engineer
Elyse 24 Designer

Code Example

Name Age Job
James 24 Engineer
Jill 26 Engineer
Elyse 24 Designer