
The City’s color library consists of brand, functional and accent colors. Below are the primary and secondary colors that support the purpose for communicating information hierarchy, interactive states and distinct elements.

Brand Colors (Primary)

The City's bold blue was chosen for its positive meaning of trust, commitment, authoritative, and stability amongst others that align directly with the City of El Paso’s values. The sunset yellow’s ability to improve analytical thinking and inspiration to new ways of thinking was chosen to promote the City’s vision.

Mountain Blue
HEX: #1D2754
RGB: 28, 39, 84
CMYK: 100, 93, 37, 31

Sunset Yellow
HEX: #f7ae2b
RGB: 247, 174, 43
CMYK: 0, 35, 96, 0

Mountain Blue

  • Indicates calls to actions and the top of hierarchal information that supports level of prominence.
  • Used on main and subheadings, main navigation menus, buttons, table headers, and certain graphic accents.

Sunset Yellow

  • TIndicates which elements are interactive and highlight important elements.
  • Used on the City's star, homepage news carousel navigation, achievements and stats banners, top link icons, and important Copyright footer links hovers.

Secondary Colors

Blue Crayola
HEX: #357ae8
RGB: 73, 117, 186
CMYK: 76, 53, 0, 0

HEX: #fff5e3
RGB: 255, 245, 227
CMYK: 0, 3, 10, 0

Rufous Red
HEX: #af0000
RGB: 175, 0, 0
CMYK: 20, 100, 100, 15

Blue Crayola

  • Indicates active states, interactive links, and visual representation of headings.
  • Used on assisted type tools, links, button hovers, heading icons, and digitized forms.


  • Indicates quick access to contact, downloadable, external sources, or procedural information.
  • Used on sidebars to highlight information secondary level of importance and styled columned content for organization of certain listings.

Rufous Red

  • Indicates attention is required.
  • Used on text to display important messages and not to be interpreted for errors or issues.

Neutral Colors

HEX: #333333
RGB: 51, 51, 51
CMYK: 69, 63, 62, 58

HEX: #cacaca
RGB: 202, 202, 202
CMYK: 20, 16, 16, 0

HEX: #ededed
RGB: 237, 237, 237
CMYK: 6, 4, 4, 0

HEX: #f0f0f0
RGB: 240, 240, 240
CMYK: 4, 3, 3, 0

HEX: #c1c1c1
RGB: 193, 193, 193
CMYK: 24, 19, 20, 0

Alerts & Notices Colors

HEX: #27963f
RGB: 39, 150, 63
CMYK: 82, 16, 100, 3

HEX: #d6e8a9
RGB: 214, 232, 169
CMYK: 17, 0, 4, 0

HEX: #f8c71d
RGB: 248, 199, 29
CMYK: 3, 20, 96, 0

HEX: #9f3a38
RGB: 159, 58, 56
CMYK: 26, 87, 78, 19