Department Logos

City Logo + Departments

There has always been an issue with most departments having no visial identity under the City of El Paso.

With the City's new visual identity, we found a solution. The department name is incorporated into the City logo, with a Sunset Yellow stripe to call your attention to the department which also offsets the text to signify that the department is under the City organization.

This solution communicates more holistically, aims for simplification, flexibility, and greater efficiency.

Use of any City Department logo by outside entities must be approved by the respective department. For the El Paso Police logo please contact EPPD as authoriztion must be granted before the logo can be accessed.

Animal Services

Animal Services

Capital Improvement

Capital Improvement

City Attorney

City Attorney

City Clerk

City Clerk

Communications and public affairs

Communications & Public Affairs

Community Development

Community & Human Development

Economic & International Development

Economic & International Development

El Paso International Airport

El Paso International Airport

El Paso Public Libraries

El Paso Public Libraries

Environmental Services

Environmental Services

Human Resources

Human Resources

Information Technology

Information Technology

Internal Audit

Internal Audit

International Bridges

International Bridges

Municipal Courts

Municipal Courts

Museum of Cultural Affairs

Museum of Archaeology

Museum of Art

Museum of Art

Museum of History

Museum of History

Museums and Cultural Affairs

Museums & Cultural Affairs

Office of the Comptroller

Office of the Comptroller

Office of Management and Budget

Office of Management & Budget

Parks and Recreation

Parks & Recreation


Planning & Inspections

Public Health

Public Health



Sun Metro

Sun Metro

Tax Office

Tax Office

El Paso Zoo

El Paso Zoo